Youth Runner Camper Alums at USATF Junior Olympics in Wisconsin

We Noticed some Youth Runner Middle School Camper Alums at USATF JO XC Nationals.


Alums Will Schneider-3rd  and Drew Oliver-6th, led the Rain City Flyers to the team victory in the 13-14 boys race. Other “YR Alums” we noticed were Max Cervi-Skinner in 7th, Miguel De Jesus in 35th, Everett Capelle 59th, Carter Joy 68th.. Also in this race was Lachlan May.  In the 11-12 boys race Kennan Byers placed 11th, Owen Martin 22nd, Dylon Solomon 78th, Hunter Hurl 132nd. Taylin Bowen was 5th in the 11-12 girls, Olivia May 9th. In the boys 15-18 division Ben Balazs was 10th and Wes Shipsey 17th. Way to Go!